▶App Operation-Bulletin Board FAQ – Support https://support.swing2app.com Best Mobile Application Development Platform Without Code Tue, 26 May 2020 08:48:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.16 Is it Possible to copy a Bulletin Board to another Bulletin Board? https://support.swing2app.com/faqs/copy-a-bulletin-board/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 03:22:16 +0000 http://wp.swing2app.co.kr/?post_type=manual_faq&p=1601 You can copy the bulletin board.

Copy board function is set for each board.

* Go to the Bulletin board you want to copy from the Posts menu on the Swing2App Manager page.

If you press the Board Copy button at the top of the bulletin board, you can select the target board to copy. When you copy, all posts on the

bulletin board are copied to the other bulletin board you selected.

(View Image)

☞ View how to copy Bulletin Boards

Can I download the image attached to the bulletin board? https://support.swing2app.com/faqs/image-attached-to-the-bulletin-board/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 03:21:42 +0000 http://wp.swing2app.co.kr/?post_type=manual_faq&p=1600 You can download and save image attached to the Bulletin Board.

Please attach the image to the bulletin board and select the image from the bulletin board post details. Then there’s the down button in the top right corner. You can also select the button to download photos posted on the bulletin board to your mobile phone.

When i attach a video on a bulletin board, the screen looks cut off. https://support.swing2app.com/faqs/bulletin-board-the-screen-looks-cut-off/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 03:21:19 +0000 http://wp.swing2app.co.kr/?post_type=manual_faq&p=1599 Usually, when a video is attached to a bulletin board, the video size is automatically adjusted to match the width size of the mobile phone.

Occasionally, a video may be cut off, or the aspect ratio may not fit properly. In this case, you can modify the size yourself.

1. First, when copying the video link, please copy the ‘source code’.


2. And when you attach a video on the bulletin board please put in the embedded code.


3. At this point, you can modify the horizontal and vertical size listed on the link. If you set the width to 340px and the height to 240px, it fits into the phone screen(the size of the cell phone grows nowadays, and it fits well with 380X 220).

Can the post thumbnail image be removed if it overlaps with the body? https://support.swing2app.com/faqs/post-thumbnail-image-be-removed/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 03:18:58 +0000 http://wp.swing2app.co.kr/?post_type=manual_faq&p=1598 In the thumbnail image, the first image of the post is designated as the representative image.

At this time, the image designated as the thumbnail is also displayed as the post representative image, and it is also duplicated in the text.

It is simple to make it show up as a thumbnail without overlapping.

**When you type a post, please check ‘Use first image thumbnail’.

If you use this function, images designated as thumbnails can only be used as the representative image, not as duplicates in the text.

It’s easy to make sure that it’s not duplicated and that it only looks like a thumbnail.

(View Image)

** This feature should not be in the app, but only on the swing2app homepage – PC version web, mobile version web.

I can’t see the thumbnail image in the post. Why does it look like an app icon image? https://support.swing2app.com/faqs/cant-see-the-thumbnail-image-in-the-post/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 03:18:22 +0000 http://wp.swing2app.co.kr/?post_type=manual_faq&p=1597 When specifying thumbnail images in a post, be sure to select Attach photo to attach the image file.

If you put an image inside the content (body), it will not be thumbnail image because it is recognized as text.

So when you specify a thumbnail image in your post! Be sure to register as an attached image.

(View Image)

** This function is not available in the app, but only on the Swing2App homepage – PC version web, mobile version web.

Can I change the text style, such as the size and color of the bulletin board characters? https://support.swing2app.com/faqs/bulletin-board-character/ Tue, 04 Sep 2018 03:17:52 +0000 http://wp.swing2app.co.kr/?post_type=manual_faq&p=1596 Text style can be changed.

However, when writing directly from the app, the style is not applied.

**Only available on Swing2App website homepage(PC, mobile).

After creating the bulletin board, go to the bulletin board where you want to write in the Posts.

As you can see in the image, you can choose the writing style for each bulletin board. If you choose to write to the HTML editor, you can add a variety of text styles.

 Check how to use HTML editor writing
